CVC 23123: Use of Wireless Communication Devices While Driving.

California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 23123 pertains to the use of wireless communication devices, specifically cell phones, while driving a motor vehicle. This law is part of California's efforts to reduce distracted driving and improve road safety. Here's an explanation of CVC 23123:

CVC 23123 - Use of Wireless Communication Devices While Driving:

  1. Prohibition (Subsection (a)):

    • Subsection (a) of CVC 23123 prohibits drivers from using a wireless communication device to write, send, or read text-based communications while operating a motor vehicle. Text-based communications include text messages, emails, and other written forms of communication.
  2. Exceptions (Subsection (b)):

    • Subsection (b) provides exceptions to the prohibition. Drivers are allowed to use a wireless communication device if they do so using hands-free technology, such as voice commands or a Bluetooth headset. Additionally, drivers can use their devices if they need to make an emergency call to law enforcement, a medical provider, a fire department, or other emergency services.
  3. Penalties for Violation (Subsection (c)):

    • Violating CVC 23123 by texting or using a wireless communication device in a manner prohibited by the law can result in traffic citations, fines, and potential points on the driver's license, depending on the extent of the violation. Penalties may increase for subsequent violations.
  4. Distracted Driving (Subsection (d)):

    • Subsection (d) highlights the dangers of distracted driving and the importance of focusing on the road while driving. It encourages drivers to prioritize safety and avoid distractions caused by mobile devices.