CVC 22406: Maximum Speed Limits for Commercial Vehicles.
California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 22406 pertains to the maximum speed limits for commercial vehicles, including trucks and buses, on California highways. These speed limits are specific to certain types of vehicles and are designed to ensure safety on the road. Here's an explanation of CVC 22406:
CVC 22406 - Maximum Speed Limits for Commercial Vehicles:
General Speed Limits (Subsection (a)):
- Subsection (a) of CVC 22406 establishes the maximum speed limits for commercial vehicles on California highways. These speed limits are as follows:
- 55 miles per hour (mph) on any two-lane undivided highway.
- 55 mph when towing vehicles or trailers.
- 65 mph on any highway that is not an undivided highway and has at least two lanes in each direction.
- Subsection (a) of CVC 22406 establishes the maximum speed limits for commercial vehicles on California highways. These speed limits are as follows:
Exceptions (Subsection (b)):
- Subsection (b) provides exceptions to the general speed limits outlined in Subsection (a). It states that commercial vehicles may exceed these speed limits when posted speed limits are higher or lower. In other words, if there are specific speed limit signs indicating a different limit, drivers must follow those posted limits.
Prima Facie Speed Limits (Subsection (c)):
- Subsection (c) specifies that the speed limits in Subsection (a) are prima facie speed limits. This means that they are presumed to be safe and legal under normal conditions, but drivers can be cited for driving at speeds that are too fast for the conditions, even if they are within these limits.
Speed Limits Based on Safety (Subsection (d)):
- Subsection (d) emphasizes that drivers of commercial vehicles must always operate their vehicles at a safe speed for the conditions, regardless of the posted speed limit. Factors such as road conditions, weather, traffic, visibility, and the presence of pedestrians or cyclists can all affect what is considered a safe speed.
Penalties for Violation (Subsection (e)):
- Violating CVC 22406 by exceeding the maximum speed limits for commercial vehicles can result in traffic citations, fines, and potential points on your driver's license, depending on the extent of the violation.
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