CVC 22348(b): Maximum Speed Limit for Certain Vehicles.

California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 22348(b) establishes the maximum speed limit for certain vehicles on specified California highways. This section applies to certain types of vehicles and sets stricter speed limits for them compared to regular passenger vehicles. Here's an explanation of CVC 22348(b):

CVC 22348(b) - Maximum Speed Limit for Certain Vehicles:

  1. General Speed Limit (Subsection (a)):

    • Subsection (a) of CVC 22348 sets the basic maximum speed limit on California highways at 65 miles per hour (mph) for most vehicles, including passenger cars and trucks. This is the speed limit that generally applies unless a different limit is posted for a specific stretch of road.
  2. Higher Speed Limit (Subsection (b)):

    • Subsection (b) of CVC 22348 applies to certain vehicles that are not passenger vehicles, and it establishes a higher maximum speed limit for these vehicles on specified California highways. The vehicles covered by this subsection include buses, passenger buses, school buses, and farm labor vehicles.
  3. Higher Speed Limit Conditions:

    • Subsection (b) allows these specified vehicles to travel at a maximum speed of 70 mph on highways where the general speed limit is 65 mph. However, this higher speed limit only applies when the vehicle is not operating at a speed greater than the general speed limit for all vehicles on that particular highway. In other words, these vehicles can go up to 70 mph if the general speed limit for all vehicles is 65 mph, but they must not exceed the general speed limit.
  4. Penalties for Violation:

    • Exceeding the speed limits set forth in CVC 22348 can result in traffic citations, fines, and potential points on your driver's license, depending on the extent of the violation. For vehicles covered under Subsection (b), exceeding the higher speed limit allowed under certain conditions can still result in penalties.