CVC 22106: Turns at Intersection

California Vehicle Code (CVC) 22106 pertains to the requirements for making proper left and right turns at intersections. This code section outlines the rules and regulations that drivers in California must follow when making turns at intersections to ensure safe and orderly traffic flow. Here's an explanation of CVC 22106:

  1. Right Turns: CVC 22106 states that a driver intending to turn right at an intersection must approach the intersection and make the turn as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. This means that when making a right turn, you should keep your vehicle to the right, near the curb or edge of the road, and avoid crossing into other lanes unless it is safe and necessary to do so.

  2. Left Turns: When making a left turn at an intersection, CVC 22106 requires the driver to approach the intersection in the extreme left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel of the vehicle and, after entering the intersection, make the left turn so as to leave the intersection in the lane lawfully available to traffic moving in that direction upon the roadway being entered.

    • In simpler terms, when turning left, you should use the left-most lane for your approach and the left-most lane for your exit from the intersection. This helps prevent conflicts with other vehicles and ensures a smooth flow of traffic.
  3. Exceptions: There may be exceptions to these rules in certain situations. For example, roadways with specific lane markings, signs, or traffic signals may dictate how turns should be made. Drivers should always follow any posted signage or signals at the intersection.

  4. Yield to Pedestrians: Regardless of the type of turn (right or left), drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks and ensure their safety when making turns at intersections. This is a fundamental safety requirement.

  5. Signal Use: When making turns at intersections, it's also essential to use your vehicle's turn signals to indicate your intention to other road users. Use your right turn signal for a right turn and your left turn signal for a left turn.

  6. No Impeding Traffic: While making turns, drivers must not impede the flow of traffic. If there is a line of vehicles behind you, it's important to make your turn without causing unnecessary delay to other drivers.

Failure to comply with the rules outlined in CVC 22106 can lead to traffic violations, fines, and potentially hazardous situations on the road. It's crucial for drivers to be familiar with these rules and follow them to ensure safe and efficient traffic movement at intersections.