CVC 21951: Pedestrians Crossing Roadways at Crosswalks.

California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 21951 pertains to the rules and requirements for pedestrians crossing roadways at or near intersections and crosswalks. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of both pedestrians and drivers regarding pedestrian crosswalks. Here's an explanation of CVC 21951:

CVC 21951 - Pedestrians Crossing Roadways at Crosswalks:

  1. Crosswalks Defined (Subsection (a)):

    • Subsection (a) of CVC 21951 defines a crosswalk as either:
      • The portion of the roadway between the intersections that are marked by painted lines, or
      • Any portion of the roadway at an intersection that is within the prolongation of the boundary lines of sidewalks.
  2. Right-of-Way to Pedestrians (Subsection (a)):

    • Subsection (a) establishes that drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians who are crossing the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. This means that drivers must stop for pedestrians who are in or approaching a crosswalk.
  3. Stopping for Pedestrians (Subsection (a)):

    • Subsection (a) also requires drivers to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, not just yield. The law is designed to provide maximum safety for pedestrians.
  4. No Overtaking Stopped Vehicle (Subsection (b)):

    • Subsection (b) stipulates that if one vehicle has stopped at a crosswalk to allow a pedestrian to cross, other vehicles approaching from the rear must not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle.
  5. Penalties for Violation (Subsection (c)):

    • Violating CVC 21951 by failing to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks can result in traffic citations, fines, and potential points on your driver's license, depending on the extent of the violation.
  6. Pedestrian Duties (Subsection (d)):

    • Subsection (d) outlines the duties of pedestrians. It states that pedestrians must not suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so close that it constitutes an immediate hazard. Pedestrians are also required to exercise care and avoid stepping off the curb into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard.

CVC 21951 is designed to prioritize pedestrian safety and ensure that drivers are aware of their obligations to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians at crosswalks. Pedestrians, in turn, are reminded to exercise caution when crossing roadways and not to enter the path of oncoming traffic when it is unsafe to do so. These rules are essential for road safety and the protection of pedestrians.