CVC 21650.1: Riding Bicycles on Roadways

CVC 21650.1 is a section of the California Vehicle Code that specifies the rules and regulations regarding the operation of bicycles on roadways in the state of California. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of cyclists when using public roads.

Here are the key points of CVC 21650.1:

  1. Bicycles as Vehicles: Under CVC 21650.1, bicycles are considered vehicles, and cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers of motor vehicles when using the roadways. This means that cyclists are subject to many of the same traffic laws that apply to motorists.

  2. Right to Use Roadways: Cyclists have the right to use the roadways in California, including public streets, roads, and highways, unless specifically prohibited by local ordinances or regulations. In general, bicycles are allowed on most public roadways, but cyclists should be aware of any local restrictions.

  3. Traveling in the Same Direction: Cyclists must travel in the same direction as the flow of traffic on the right-hand side of the road. This is known as riding with traffic. Riding against the flow of traffic (wrong-way cycling) is generally illegal and unsafe.

  4. Bike Lanes and Shoulders: When bike lanes or shoulders are provided on the roadway, cyclists should use them. However, cyclists are not required to use a bike lane or shoulder if it is obstructed, unsafe, or if they are preparing to turn left.

  5. Obeying Traffic Signals and Signs: Cyclists are required to obey all traffic signals, signs, and rules of the road, just like motor vehicle drivers. This includes stopping at stop signs and obeying traffic signals.

  6. Use of Hand Signals: Cyclists are encouraged to use hand signals to indicate turns and stops. A left arm straight out indicates a left turn, a left arm bent at a 90-degree angle upward indicates a right turn, and a left arm bent downward indicates a stop.

  7. Lights and Reflectors: When riding a bicycle at night, cyclists are required to have a white front light that is visible from at least 300 feet and a red rear reflector or light that is visible from at least 500 feet.

  8. Helmets: While California law does not require adults to wear helmets while riding bicycles, it does require cyclists under 18 years of age to wear a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet while riding.

Why CVC 21650.1 Matters:

CVC 21650.1 is significant for several reasons:

  1. Safety: The law promotes safe and responsible cycling by establishing rules and guidelines that help reduce the risk of accidents and conflicts with motor vehicles.

  2. Traffic Flow: By ensuring that cyclists follow the same rules as motor vehicle drivers, CVC 21650.1 contributes to the orderly flow of traffic and enhances road safety.

  3. Legal Compliance: Adhering to CVC 21650.1 is a legal requirement. Violations can result in penalties, including fines.

  4. Promoting Cycling: By providing cyclists with a clear legal framework and rights to use roadways, the law encourages cycling as a mode of transportation and recreation.

Penalties for Violation:

Penalties for violating CVC 21650.1 can vary depending on the specific circumstances and local jurisdiction. Common penalties may include fines for traffic violations.

In Conclusion:

CVC 21650.1 addresses the use of bicycles on roadways in California and establishes the rights and responsibilities of cyclists. It is essential for promoting safe and responsible cycling, ensuring traffic flow, and legal compliance. Cyclists are encouraged to be familiar with these regulations and follow them to contribute to safe and orderly road use.