CVC 21460(a): Stop Sign Placement and Visibility.

California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 21460(a) pertains to the rules and regulations related to the placement and visibility of traffic control devices, specifically stop signs. Here's an explanation of CVC 21460(a):

CVC 21460(a) - Stop Sign Placement and Visibility:

  1. General Rule (Subsection (a)):

    • CVC 21460(a) establishes that official traffic control devices, including stop signs, must be placed and maintained in a manner that ensures their visibility to approaching drivers and gives adequate notice of the traffic control they convey.
  2. Purpose (Subsection (a)):

    • The primary purpose of CVC 21460(a) is to ensure that stop signs are appropriately positioned so that drivers can clearly see them and understand that they are required to come to a complete stop at the designated location.
  3. Visibility and Adequate Notice (Subsection (a)):

    • Subsection (a) emphasizes the importance of visibility and adequate notice, which means that stop signs should be placed in such a way that they can be seen in advance by drivers, allowing them enough time to stop safely before entering the intersection.
  4. Maintenance (Subsection (a)):

    • This subsection also implies that local authorities responsible for maintaining traffic control devices, including stop signs, should ensure that they are not obstructed, damaged, or otherwise compromised in their visibility or effectiveness.
  5. Penalties for Violation (Subsection (b)):

    • Violating CVC 21460(a) by failing to comply with the proper placement and visibility of stop signs can result in traffic citations and fines.