CVC 21209: Bicycle Lanes

California Vehicle Code (CVC) 21209 pertains to the rules and regulations governing the use of bicycle lanes in the state of California. It addresses the specific requirements and prohibitions regarding bicycle lanes, which are designated lanes on the road intended for the use of bicycles. Here's an explanation of CVC 21209:

  1. Bicycle Lane Usage: CVC 21209 establishes that bicycle lanes are reserved primarily for bicycles. Motor vehicles, except in certain situations, are not allowed to enter or use these lanes. This means that drivers of cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles should not drive or park in bicycle lanes, and they should yield to bicycles in these lanes.

  2. Permitted Motor Vehicle Activities: While motor vehicles are generally prohibited from using bicycle lanes, CVC 21209 does specify a few exceptions:

    a. Preparing to Turn: Motor vehicles can enter a bicycle lane when preparing to make a turn at an intersection or driveway. This is allowed within 200 feet of the intersection or driveway. However, the vehicle must yield to any bicyclists in the lane.

    b. Exiting a Parking Space: Motor vehicles are allowed to cross a bicycle lane when exiting a parking space or parking area, as long as it's done safely and without interfering with bicycles.

    c. Emergency Situations: Emergency vehicles, like police cars or ambulances, may use bicycle lanes during emergencies or when responding to calls.

  3. Prohibited Activities: The code also prohibits certain activities within bicycle lanes, such as stopping, parking, or leaving a motor vehicle unattended. These lanes are intended to provide a safe and unobstructed path for bicyclists, so blocking them with a motor vehicle is generally not allowed.

  4. Bicycle Lane Markings and Signs: Bicycle lanes are typically marked with solid white lines and may have bicycle symbols painted on the pavement. Signs indicating "Bike Lane" or similar language are also used to alert drivers and cyclists to the presence of bicycle lanes.

  5. Enforcement and Penalties: Violations of CVC 21209 can result in fines and penalties, which can vary depending on local ordinances and the specific circumstances of the violation. Law enforcement officers may enforce these rules to ensure the safe use of bicycle lanes.