CVC 21453: Red Light Violations

CVC 21453 addresses violations related to red lights at intersections. 

CVC 21453: Understanding Red Light Violations

CVC 21453 focuses on preventing accidents and promoting orderly traffic flow by regulating behavior at intersections controlled by traffic signals. 

Key Aspects of CVC 21453

  1. Respecting Red Lights: CVC 21453 mandates that drivers must stop their vehicles at a red traffic signal. This applies to both solid red lights and red arrow signals. Drivers are required to come to a complete stop before the stop line or crosswalk and yield the right-of-way to other vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists.

  2. Right Turn on Red: While stopping at a red light is crucial, CVC 21453 permits a right turn on red after coming to a complete stop and ensuring that the way is clear of oncoming traffic and pedestrians. However, this allowance is not universal and may be prohibited at specific intersections.

  3. Consequences of Violations: Violating CVC 21453 can result in penalties, fines, and potential consequences such as points on one's driving record and increased insurance premiums. Additionally, red light violations can lead to accidents, endangering lives and causing property damage.

  4. Traffic Camera Enforcement: Many intersections are equipped with traffic cameras to monitor red light violations. These cameras capture images or video footage of vehicles running red lights, allowing law enforcement agencies to issue citations based on the evidence.


California Vehicle Code (CVC) 21453 is a critical element in maintaining intersection safety and ensuring the orderly flow of traffic. By adhering to red light signals, drivers contribute significantly to reducing the risk of collisions and creating a safer road environment for all.

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